03 / 04 / 2019
This freestanding 4 bedroom custom home was built in Riverstone, NSW on a battleaxe block. The 250sqm 2 storey structure was assembled in 5 crane days achieving a 7,5 star NatHERS rating - utilising Zen Haus prefabricated internal and external wall panels as well as floor and ceiling cassettes.
The home is a great example to showcase our various facade options. In this case we used rendered expanded polystyrene for the ground floor - providing a insulation rating of R5 - and thermo-treated larch cladding for the upstairs. The "baking" process of the timber cladding makes the cladding maintenance free and allows for a very slow and gradual aging process.
The home has double glazing throughout which makes the build not only energy efficient but also ensures that any external noise pollution is kept at a minimum. The double glazed windows are preinstalled in our factory saving trades and labor cost on site.
Zen Haus Group Pty Ltd
U 2, 14 Cape Three Points Road
Avoca Beach, NSW 2251, Australia